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The California spotted owl: a technical assessment of its current status

Informally Refereed


This report is based an the Final Repart submitted on May 8, 1992 by the Technical Assessment Team to the interagency Steering Committee for the California Spotted Owl Assessment. The 13 chapters cover the assessment of the current status of the California spotted owl, its biology and habitat use, and forests where the subspecies occurs in the Sierra Nevada and southern California. The report suggests the direction of future inventories and research, identifies projected trends in habitat, and offers guidelines and recommendation for management of the California spotted owl.

Titles contained within The California spotted owl: a technical assessment of its current status


Strix occidentalis occidentalis, habitat attributes, old-growth, resource management, Sierra Nevada, southern California


Verner, Jared; McKelvey, Kevin S.; Noon, Barry R.; Gutierrez, R. J.; Gould, Gordon I. Jr.; Beck, Thomas W., Technical Coordinators. 1992. The California spotted owl: a technical assessment of its current status. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-133. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 285 p.