Scientific name | Common name¹ |
Abebaea cervella Walsingham |
(a leafroller moth) |
Abgrallaspis ithacae (Ferris) |
hemlock scale |
Acantholyda erythrocephala (Linnaeus) |
pine false webworm |
Acantholyda pini Rohwer |
(a web-spinning sawfly) |
Acantholyda zappei (Rohwer) |
(nesting-pine sawfly) |
Acleris chalybeana (Fernald) |
(a leafroller moth) |
Acleris gloverana (Walsingham) |
western blackheaded budworm |
Acrobasis betulella Hulst |
birch tubemaker |
Acrobasis caryivorella Ragonot |
(a casebearer) |
Acrobasis demotella Grote |
walnut shoot moth |
Acrobasis juglandis (LeBaron) |
pecan leaf casebearer |
Acronicta americana (Harris) |
American dagger moth |
Acronicta lepusculina Guenee |
cottonwood dagger moth |
Actias luna (Linnaeus) |
luna moth |
Adelges abietis (Linnaeus) |
eastern spruce gall adelgid |
Adelges cooleyi (Gillette) |
Cooley spruce gall adelgid |
Adelges nordmannianae (Eckstein) |
(a gall) |
Adelges nusslini (Borner) |
(a woolly aphid) |
Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg) |
balsam woolly adelgid |
Aethes rutilana (Hubner) |
pale juniper webworm |
Agrilus acutipennis Mannerheim |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus angelicus Horn |
(Pacific oak twig girdler) |
Agrilus anxius Gory |
bronze birch borer |
Agrilus arcuatus torquatus LeConte |
(hickory spiral borer) |
Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) |
twolined chestnut borer |
Agrilus burkei Fisher |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus cephalicus LeConte |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus difficilis Gory |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus fuscipennis Gory |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus horni Kerremans |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus liragus Barter & Brown |
bronze poplar borer |
Agrilus otiosus Say |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agrilus politus (Say) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Agromyza albitarsis Meigen |
(a leafminer fly) |
Aleuroplatus coronatus (Quaintance) |
(crown whitefly) |
Alniphagus aspericollis (LeConte) |
alder bark beetle |
Alsophila pometaria (Harris) |
fall cankerworm |
Altica ambins LeConte |
alder flea beetle |
Amblycerus robiniae (Fabricius) |
(a seed beetle) |
Amphibolips confluenta (Harris) |
large oak-apple wasp |
Amphicerus bicaudatus (Say) |
apple twig borer |
Anacampsis niveopulvella (Chambers) |
(a gelechiid moth) |
Anacamptodes pergacilis (Hulst) |
(a looper) |
Andricus quercuscalifornicus (Bassett) |
(a gall wasp) |
Aneflormorpha subpubescens (LeConte) |
(oak stem borer) |
Anisococcus crawi (Coquillett) |
(white sage mealybug) |
Anisota rubicunda (Fabricius) |
(green-striped mapleworm) |
Anisota senatoria (J. E. Smith) |
orangestriped oakworm |
Anisota stigma (Fabricius) |
spiny oakworm |
Anisota virginiensis (Drury) |
pinkstriped oakworm |
Anomala oblivia Horn |
pine chafer |
Anoplonyx laricivorus (Rohwer & Middleton) |
(twolined larch sawfly) |
Anoplonyx occidens Ross |
(western larch sawfly) |
Anthaxia aeneogaster Laporte & Gory |
(a flatheaded twig borer) |
Antispila nysaefoliella Clemens |
tupelo leafminer |
Antron douglasii (Ashmead) |
(spined turban gall) |
Aphis gossypii Glover |
cotton aphid, melon aphid |
Aphis maculatae (Fitch) |
(spotted poplar aphid) |
Aphrophora parallela (Say) |
pine spittlebug |
Aphrophora saratogensis (Fitch) |
Saratoga spittlebug |
Apteromechus ferratus (Say) |
(a wood-boring weevil) |
Araecerus levipennis Jordan |
koa haole seed weevil |
Archips argyrospila (Walker) |
fruittree leafroller |
Archips fervidana (Clemens) |
oak webworm |
Archips negundana (Dyar) |
(a leafroller) |
Archodontes melanopus (Linnaeus) |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Argyresthia laricella Kearfott |
(larch shoot moth) |
Argyresthia thuiella (Packard) |
arborvitae leafminer |
Argyrotaenia juglandana (Fernald) |
hickory leafroller |
Argyrotaenia pinatubana (Kearfott) |
pine tube moth |
Argyrotaenia quercifoliana (Fitch) |
(a leaf roller) |
Argyrotaenia tabulana Freeman |
(lodgepole needletier) |
Arrhenodes minutus (Drury) |
oak timberworm |
Artipus floridanus Horn |
(leaf notcher weevil) |
Ascalapha odorata (Linnaeus) |
black witch |
Asphondylia ilicicola Foote |
(a gall midge) |
Asterocampa celtis (Boisduval & LeConte) |
(hackberry butterfly) |
Asterolecanium minus Lindinger |
(a pit scale) |
Asterolecanium pustulans (Cockerell) |
oleander pit scale |
Asterolecanium puteanum Russell |
(holly pit scale) |
Asterolecanium quercicola (Bouché) |
(a pit scale) |
Asterolecanium variolosum (Ratzeburg) |
golden oak scale |
Atimia confusa dorsalis LeConte |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Atimia confusa maritima Linsley |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Atimia huachucae Champlain and Knull |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Atimia vandykei Linsley |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Atta texana (Buckley) |
Texas leafcutting ant |
Atteva punctella (Cramer) |
(ailanthus webworm) |
Augomonoctenus libocedrii Rohwer |
(incense-cedar cone sawfly) |
Automeris io (Fabricius) |
io moth |
Azteca alfari Emery |
(an ant) |
Azteca constructor Emery |
(an ant) |
Baliosus ruber Weber |
basswood leafminer |
Barbara colfaxiana (Kearfott) |
Douglas-fir cone moth |
Barbara mappana Freeman |
(cone moth) |
Bassettia figni Kinsey |
(a gall wasp) |
Besbicus mirabilis (Kinsey) |
(a gall wasp) |
Bucculatrix albertiella Busck |
(oak ribbedcase maker) |
Bucculatrix canadensisella Chambers |
birch skeletonizer |
Bucculatrix recognita Braun |
(an oak skeletonizer) |
Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus |
golden buprestid |
Caliroa lineata MacGillivary |
(pin oak sawfly) |
Caliroa quercuscoccineae Dyar |
scarlet oak sawfly |
Callidium hoppingi Linsley |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Callidium juniperi Fisher |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Callidium texanum Schaeffer |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Calligrapha scalaris (LeConte) |
elm calligrapha |
Callirhopalus bifasciatus (Roelofs) |
(Japanese weevil) |
Callirhytis cornigera (Osten Sacken) |
(horned oak gall) |
Callirhytis perdens (Kinsey) |
(a gall wasp) |
Callirhytis quercuspunctata (Bassett) |
(gouty oak gall) |
Caloptilia negundella (Chambers) |
(boxelder leafroller) |
Cameraria umbellulariae (Walsingham) |
(a leafblotch miner) |
Camponotus ferrugineus (Fabricius) |
red carpenter ant |
Camponotus pennsylvanicus (De Geer) |
black carpenter ant |
Canarsia ulmiarrosorella (Clem.) |
(a pyralid moth) |
Carulaspis juniperi (Bouche) |
juniper scale |
Catynota stupida (Walker) |
(a treehopper) |
Caryobruchus gleditsiae (Linnaeus) |
(a seed beetle) |
Caryomyia holotricha (Osten Sacken) |
(a gall midge) |
Caryomyia sanguinolenta (Osten Sacken) |
(a gall midge) |
Caryomyia tubicola (Osten Sacken) |
(a gall midge) |
Cecidomyia piniinopis Osten Sacken |
(gouty pitch midge) |
Cecidomyia reeksi Vockeroth |
(a gall midge) |
Ceratomia undulosa (Walker) |
(a sphinx moth) |
Ceresium unicolor (Fabricius) |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Chaitophorus populicola (Thomas) |
(an aphid) |
Chalcophorella campestris (Say) |
(flatheaded sycamore-heartwood borer) |
Chionaspis americana Johnson |
elm scurfy scale |
Chionaspis corni Cooley |
dogwood scale |
Chionaspis lintneri Comstock |
(linter scale) |
Chionaspis pinifoliae (Fitch) |
pine needle scale |
Choristoneura conflictana (Walker) |
large aspen tortrix |
Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) |
spruce budworm |
Choristoneura lambertiana (Busck) |
(sugar pine tortrix) |
Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman |
western spruce budworm |
Choristoneura pinus Freeman |
jack pine budworm |
Choristoneura retiniana (Walsingham) |
(mudoc budworm) |
Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) |
obliquebanded leafroller |
Chrysobothris azurea LeConte |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier) |
flatheaded appletree borer |
Chrysobothris mali Horn |
Pacific flatheaded borer |
Chrysobothris nixa Horn |
(flatheaded cedar borer) |
Chrysobothris sexsignata (Say) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Chrysobothris texana LeConte |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Chrysobothris tranquebarica (Gmelin) |
Australian pine borer |
Chrysomela crotchi Brown |
aspen leaf beetle |
Chrysomela scripta Fabricius |
cottonwood leaf beetle |
Chrysomphalus obscurus |
(obscure scale) |
Chrysoteuchia topiaria (Zeller) |
cranberry girdler |
Cimbex americana Leach |
elm sawfly |
Cinara coloradensis (Gillette) |
(black polished spruce aphid) |
Cinara fomacula Hottes |
green spruce aphid |
Cinara sabinae (Gillette & Palmer) |
(Rocky Mountain juniper aphid) |
Cinara strobi (Fitch) |
white pine aphid |
Cinara tujafilina (del Guercio) |
(an aphid) |
Citheronia regalis (Fabricius) |
regal moth |
Clastoptera undulata Uhler |
(a spittlebug) |
Cnidocampa flavescens (Walker) |
oriental moth |
Coleophora laricella (Hubner) |
larch casebearer |
Coleophora serratella (Linnaeus) |
(birch casebearer) |
Coleophora ulmifoliella McDunnough |
elm casebearer |
Coleotechnites edulicola Hodges & Stevens |
(pinyon needle miner) |
Coleotechnites juniperella (Kearfott) |
(a gelechiid moth) |
Coleotechnites milleri (Busck) |
lodgepole needleminer |
Coleotechnites occidentis (Freeman) |
(a gelechiid moth) |
Coleotechnites piceaella (Kearfott) |
(a gelechiid moth) |
Coleotechnites thujaella (Kearfott) |
(a gelechiid moth) |
Colopha ulmicola (Fitch) |
elm cockscomb gall aphid |
Coloradia pandora Blake |
pandora moth |
Conophthorus banksianae McPherson |
jack pine tip beetle |
Conophthorus coniperda (Schwarz) |
white pine cone beetle |
Conophthorus edulis Hopkins |
piñion cone beetle |
Conophthorus lambertianae Hopkins |
sugar pine cone beetle |
Conophthorus monophyllae Hopkins |
(single leaf piñion cone beetle) |
Conophthorus monticolae Hopkins |
mountain pine cone beetle |
Conophthorus ponderosae Hopkins |
ponderosa pine cone beetle |
Conophthorus radiatae Hopkins |
Monterey pine cone beetle |
Conotrachelus affinis Boheman |
(a hickory nut weevil) |
Conotrachelus aratus (Germar) |
(a snout weevil) |
Conotrachelus hicoriae Schoof |
(a snout weevil) |
Conotrachelus juglandis LeConte |
butternut curculio |
Conotrachelus naso LeConte |
(a snout weevil) |
Conotrachelus posticatus Boheman |
(a snout weevil) |
Conotrachelus retentus (Say) |
black walnut curculio |
Contarinia cerasiserotinae (Osten Sacken) |
(a gall midge) |
Contarinia juniperina Felt |
juniper midge |
Contarinia negundifolia Felt |
(boxelder gall midge) |
Contarinia oregonensis Foote |
(Douglas-fir cone midge) |
Contarinia washingtonensis Johnson |
(cone scale midge) |
Coptotermes niger Snyder |
(a termite moth) |
Correbidia terminalis Hampson |
(a ctenuchid moth) |
Corthylus columbianus Hopkins |
Columbian timber beetle |
Corythucha aesculi O. & D. |
(a lace bug) |
Corythucha arcuata (Say) |
oak lace bug |
Corythucha ciliata (Say) |
sycamore lace bug |
Corythucha juglandis (Fitch) |
(a walnut lace bug) |
Corythucha pallipes Parshley |
(a birch lace bug) |
Cossula magnifica (Strecker) |
pecan carpenterworm |
Croesia semipurpurana (Kearfott) |
oak leaftier |
Croesus latitarsus Norton |
dusky birch sawfly |
Cryptococcus fagisuga Lindinger |
beech scale |
Cryptophlebia illepida (Butler) |
koa seedworm |
Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus) |
poplar-and-willow borer |
Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) |
West Indian drywood termite |
Cudonigera houstonana (Grote) |
(a budworm moth) |
Curculio caryae (Horn) |
pecan weevil |
Curculio longidens (Chittenden) |
(a snout weevil) |
Curculio pardalis Chittenden |
(a snout weevil) |
Curculio sulcatulus (Casey) |
(a snout weevil) |
Curculio uniformis (LeConte) |
filbert weevil |
Cylindrocopturus eatoni Buchanan |
(pine reproduction weevil) |
Cyrtepistomus castaneus (Roelofs) |
Asiatic oak weevil |
Dasineura balsamicola (Lintner) |
(balsam gall midge) |
Dasineura rachiphaga Tripp |
(spruce cone axis midge) |
Dasychira basiflava (Packard) |
(dark tussock moth) |
Datana integerrima Grote & Robinson |
walnut caterpillar |
Datana ministra (Drury) |
yellownecked caterpillar |
Dendrocoris pini Montandon |
(a stink bug) |
Dendroctonus adjunctus Blandford |
roundheaded pine beetle |
Dendroctonus approximatus Dietz |
Mexican pine beetle |
Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte |
western pine beetle |
Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann |
southern pine beetle |
Dendroctonus jeffreyi Hopkins |
Jeffrey pine beetle |
Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins |
mountain pine beetle |
Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins |
Douglas-fir beetle |
Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby) |
spruce beetle |
Dendroctonus simplex LeConte |
eastern larch beetle |
Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) |
black turpentine beetle |
Dendroctonus valens LeConte |
red turpentine beetle |
Derocrepis aesculi (Drury) |
(a flea beetle) |
Desmia funeralis (Hubner) |
grape leaffolder |
Diapheromera femorata (Say) |
walkingstick |
Diaphnocoris chlorionis (Say) |
honeylocust plant bug |
Dicerca divaricata (Say) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Dicerca lurida (Fabricius) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Dicerca tenebrica (Kirby) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Dichelonyx valida LeConte |
(a scarab beetle) |
Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius) |
juniper webworm |
Dictyla montropidia (Stal) |
(Spanish elm lacewing bug) |
Dioryctria abietivorella (Grote) |
(fir coneworm) |
Dioryctria albovittella (Hulst) |
(a coneworm) |
Dioryctria amatella (Hulst) |
southern pine coneworm |
Dioryctria pygmaeella Ragonot |
baldcypress coneworm |
Dioryctria reniculelloides Mutuura & Munroe |
spruce coneworm |
Dioryctria resinosella Mutuura |
red pine shoot moth |
Dioryctria yatesi Mutuura & Munroe |
(mountain pine coneworm) |
Dioryctria zimmermani (Grote) |
Zimmerman pine moth |
Diplotaxis sordida (Say) |
(a scarab beetle) |
Diprion frutetorum Fabricius |
(a sawfly) |
Diprion similis (Hartig) |
introduced pine sawfly |
Dorcaschema alternatum (Say) |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Dorcaschema wildii Uhler |
(mulberry borer) |
Dryocoetes affaber (Mannerheim) |
(a bark beetle) |
Dryocoetes betulae Hopkins |
birch bark beetle |
Dryocoetes confusus Swaine |
western balsam bark beetle |
Dysmicoccus wistariae Green |
(a mealybug) |
Earomyia abietum McAlpine |
(fir seed maggot) |
Earomyia barbara McAlpine |
(a cone maggot) |
Earomyia longistylata McAlpine |
(a cone maggot) |
Ecdytolopha insiticiana Zeller |
locust twig borer |
Ectropis crepuscularia (D. & S.) |
(saddleback looper) |
Elaphidionoides villosus (Fabricius) |
(twig pruner) |
Elasmuche lateralis (Say) |
(a stink bug) |
Elatobium abietinum (Walker) |
spruce aphid |
Empoasca pergandei Gillette |
(a leafhopper) |
Enaphalodes rufulus (Haldeman) |
red oak borer |
Ennomos magnaria Guenee |
(notched-wing geometer) |
Ennomos subsignaria (Hubner) |
elm spanworm |
Eotetranychus multidigituli (Ewing) |
(a spider mite) |
Epimecis hortaria (Fabricius) |
(a looper) |
Epinotia aceriella (Clemens) |
maple trumpet skeletonizer |
Epinotia meritana Heinrich |
white fir needleminer |
Epinotia nanana (Treitschke) |
(a skeletonizer) |
Epinotia subviridis Heinrich |
(cypress leaftier) |
Erannis tiliaria (Harris) |
linden looper |
Eriocampa ovata (Linnaeus) |
(alder woolly sawfly) |
Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) |
woolly apple aphid |
Eriosoma rileyi Thomas |
(woolly elm bark aphid) |
Essigella gillettei Hottes |
(an aphid) |
Euceraphis betulae Koch |
(an aphid) |
Eucosma bobana Kearfott |
(piny on cone borer) |
Eucosma gloriola Heinrich |
eastern pine shoot borer |
Eucosma rescissoriana (Heinrich) |
(lodgepole pine cone borer) |
Eucosma siskiyouana (Kearfott) |
(fir cone borer) |
Eucosma sonomana Kearfott |
western pineshoot borer |
Eucosma tocullionana Heinrich |
white pine cone borer |
Eupithecia spermaphaga (Dyar) |
fir cone looper |
Euproctis chrysorrhoea (Linnaeus) |
browntail moth |
Eurytetranychus admes Prichard & Baker |
(a spider mite) |
Euzophera magnolialis Capps |
(a pyralid moth) |
Euzophera ostricolorella Hulst |
(a pyralid moth) |
Euzophera semifuneralis (Walker) |
American plum borer |
Exoteleia pinifoliella (Chambers) |
pine needleminer |
Fagiphagus imbricator (Fitch) |
beech blight aphid |
Fascista cercerisella (Chambers) |
redbud leaffolder |
Fenusa dohrnii (Tischbein) |
European alder leafminer |
Fenusa pusilla (Lepeletier) |
birch leafminer |
Ferrisia virgata Cockerell |
striped mealybug |
Formica exsectoides Forel |
Allegheny mound ant |
Galenara consimilis (Heinrich) |
(New Mexico fir looper) |
Gibbobruchus mimus (Say) |
(a seed beetle) |
Gilpinia hercyniae (Hartig) |
European spruce sawfly |
Gloveria arizonensis Packard |
(a tent caterpillar) |
Glycobius speciosus (Say) |
sugar maple borer |
Glyptoscelis aridis Van Dyke |
(a leaf beetle) |
Glyptoscelis vandykei Krauss |
(a leaf beetle) |
Gnathotrichus retusus (LeConte) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Gnathotrichus sulcatus (LeConte) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Goes pulcher (Haldeman) |
(living-hickory borer) |
Goes pulverulentus (Haldeman) |
(living-beech borer) |
Goes tesselatus (Haldeman) |
oak sapling borer |
Goes tigrinus (DeGeer) |
white oak borer |
Gonioctena americana (Schaeffer) |
American aspen beetle |
Gossyparia spuria (Modeer) |
European elm scale |
Gynaecia dirce (Linnaeus) |
(a nymphalid butterfly) |
Gypsonoma haimbachiana (Kearfott) |
cottonwood twig borer |
Halisidota argentata subalpina French |
(a tiger moth) |
Halisidota harisii Walsh |
sycamore tussock moth |
Halisidota ingens Hy. Edwards |
(a tiger moth) |
Hemiberlesia rapax (Comstock) |
greedy scale |
Hemichroa crocea (Geoffroy) |
striped alder sawfly |
Hemicoelus spp. |
powderpost beetle |
Henricus fuscodorsanus (Kearfott) |
(cone cochylid) |
Heterarthrus nemoratus (Fallen) |
(birch leaf-mining sawfly) |
Heterocampa guttivitta (Walker) |
saddled prominent |
Heterocampa manteo (Doubleday) |
variable oakleaf caterpillar |
Heterotermes convexinofatus Snyder |
(a termite) |
Heterotermes tennis Hagan |
(a termite) |
Historis odius (Fabricius) |
(a nymphalid butterfly) |
Homadaula anisocentra Meyrick |
mimosa webworm |
Hyalophora cecropia (Linnaeus) |
cecropia moth |
Hydria prunivorata (Ferguson) |
(cherry scallop shell moth) |
Hylecoetus lugubris Say |
sapwood timberworm |
Hylemya (Lasiomma) antracina (Czerny) |
(spruce cone maggot) |
Hylesinus oregonus (Blackman) |
(Oregon ash bark beetle) |
Hylobius pales (Herbst) |
pales weevil |
Hylobius radicis Buchanan |
pine root collar weevil |
Hylobius rhizophagus M., B., & W. |
pine root tip weevil |
Hylobius warreni Wood |
(Warren's collar weevil) |
Hylurgopinus rufipes (Eichhoff) |
native elm bark beetle |
Hyperaspis signata (Olivier) |
(a ladybird beetle) |
Hyphantria cunea (Drury) |
fall webworm |
Icerya purchasi Maskell |
cottony cushion scale |
lchthyura inclusa (Hubner) |
poplar tentmaker |
Illinoia firiodendri Monell |
tuliptree aphid |
lps calligraphus (Germar) |
(sixspined ips) |
lps confusus (LeConte) |
(piñon ips) |
lps emarginatus (LeConte) |
(emarginate ips) |
lps grandicollis (Eichhoff) |
(southern pine engraver) |
lps latidens (LeConte) |
(a bark beetle) |
lps lecontei Swaine |
(Arizona fivespined ips) |
lps mexicanus (Hopkins) |
(Monterey pine ips) |
Ips montanus (Eichhoff) |
(an engraver beetle) |
lps paraconfusus Lanier |
California fivespined ips |
lps pilifrons Swaine |
(an engraver beetle) |
lps pini (Say) |
pine engraver |
lps plastographus (LeConte) |
(California fourspined ips) |
lps spinifer (Eichhoff) |
(an engraver beetle) |
Itame pustularia (Guenee) |
(a spanworm) |
Janus abbreviatus (Say) |
willow shoot sawfly |
Kaltenbachiella ulmifusa (Walsh & Riley) |
(a gall aphid) |
Kermes pubescens Bogue |
(a scale insect) |
Kleidocerys resedae germinatus (Say) |
(a lygaeid bug) |
Knulliana cincta (Drury) |
banded hickory borer |
Lambdina athasaria pellucidaria (Grote & Robinson) |
(a geometrid) |
Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria (Guenee) |
hemlock looper |
Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa (Hulst) |
western hemlock looper |
Lambdina fiscellaria somniaria (Hulst) |
western oak looper |
Lambdina pellucidaria (Grote & Robinson) |
(a geometrid) |
Laspeyresia bracteatana (Fernald) |
fir seed moth |
Laspeyresia caryana (Fitch) |
hickory shuckworm |
Laspeyresia injectiva (Heinrich) |
(Jeffrey pine seedworm) |
Laspeyresia piperana (Kearfott) |
(ponderosa pine seedworm) |
Laspeyresia populana Busck |
(a bark moth) |
Laspeyresia youngana (Kearfott) |
spruce seed moth |
Lecanium fletcheri Ckll. |
(a scale insect) |
Leperisinus aculeatus (Say) |
(eastern ash bark beetle) |
Lepidosaphes ulmi (Linnaeus) |
oystershell scale |
Leptocoris trivittatus (Say) |
boxelder bug |
Leptoglossus corculus (Say) |
(southern pine seed bug) |
Leptoypha minor McAtee |
(Arizona ash lace bug) |
Leucoma salicis (Linnaeus) |
satin moth |
Lithocolletis salicifoliella Chambers |
(a leafblotch miner) |
Lithophane antennata (Walker) |
green fruitworm |
Longistigma caryae (Harris) |
giant bark aphid |
Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus) |
gypsy moth |
Macrohaltica ambiens (LeConte) |
alder flea beetle |
Magdalis gentilis LeConte |
(a weevil) |
Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus) |
periodical cicada |
Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius) |
eastern tent caterpillar |
Malacosoma californicum (Packard) |
western tent caterpillar |
Malacosoma constrictum (Hy. Edwards) |
Pacific tent caterpillar |
Malacosoma disstria Hubner |
forest tent caterpillar |
Maladera castanea (Arrow) |
Asiatic garden beetle |
Marmara arbutiella Busck |
(a twig and leaf miner) |
Matsucoccus acalyptus Herbert |
(piñon pine scale) |
Matsucoccus bisetosus Morrison |
(two seta pine scale) |
Matsucoccus californicus Morrison |
(California pine scale) |
Matsucoccus fasciculensis Herbert |
(fascicle pine scale) |
Matsucoccus gallicola Morrison |
(pine twig gall scale) |
Matsucoccus monophyllae McKenzie |
(a scale) |
Matsucoccus paucidicatrices Morrison |
(sugar pine scale) |
Matsucoccus resinosae Bean & Godwin |
red pine scale |
Mayetiola carpophaga (Tripp) |
(spruce seed midge) |
Mayetiola thujae (Hedlin) |
(a gall midge) |
Megacyllene caryae (Gahan) |
painted hickory borer |
Megacyllene robiniae (Forster) |
locust borer |
Megastigmus atedius Walker |
(a seed chalcid) |
Megastigmus laricis Marcovitch |
(a seed chalcid) |
Megastigmus lasiocarpae Crosby |
(a seed chalcid) |
Megastigmus pinus Parfitt |
(fir seed chalcid) |
Megastigmus specularis Walley |
(balsam fir seed chalcid) |
Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl |
(Douglas-fir seed chalcid) |
Megastigmus tsugae Crosby |
(a seed chalcid) |
Malalgus confertus (LeConte) |
(a false powderpost beetle) |
Melanaspis obscura (Comstock) |
obscure scale |
Melanaspis tenebricosa (Comstock) |
gloomy scale |
Melanolophia imitata (Walker) |
(greenstriped forest looper) |
Melanophila californica Van Dyke |
California flatheaded borer |
Melanophila drummondi (Kirby) |
flatheaded fir borer |
Melanophila fulvoguttata (Harris) |
hemlock borer |
Melipotis indomita (Walker) |
(a caterpillar) |
Melissopus latiferreanus (Walsingham) |
filbertworm |
Mesa populifoliella (Townsend) |
(a leafmining sawfly) |
Mesolecanium nigrofasciatum (Pergande) |
terrapin scale |
Mimosestes amicus (Horn) |
(a seed beetle) |
Monocesta coryli (Say) |
larger elm leaf beetle |
Monochamus spp. |
(a wood borer) |
Monoctenus melliceps (Cresson) |
(a sawfly) |
Mordvilkoja vagabunda (Walsh) |
poplar vagabond aphid |
Mycetococcus ehrhorni (Cockerell) |
(Ehrhorn's oak scale) |
Myrmelachista ramulorum Wheeler |
(an ant) |
Nasutitermes corniger Motschulsky |
(a termite) |
Nematocampa limbata (Haworth) |
filament bearer |
Nematus currani Ross |
(a sawfly) |
Nematus ventralis Say |
willow sawfly |
Neoclytus acuminatus (Fabricius) |
redheaded ash borer |
Neoclytus caprea (Say) |
(banded ash borer) |
Neodiprion abbotii (Leach) |
(a sawfly) |
Neodiprion approximatus Hopkins |
(northern pine weevil) |
Neodiprion burkei Middleton |
lodgepole sawfly |
Neodiprion compar (Leach) |
(a sawfly) |
Neodiprion dubiosus Schedl |
brownheaded jack pine sawfly |
Neodiprion edulicolus Ross |
(piñon sawfly) |
Neodiprion excitans Rohwer |
blackheaded pine sawfly |
Neodiprion lecontei (Fitch) |
redheaded pine sawfly |
Neodiprion nanulus nanulus Schedl |
red pine sawfly |
Neodiprion nigroscutum Middleton |
(a sawfly) |
Neodiprion pinetum (Norton) |
white pine sawfly |
Neodiprion pinusrigidae (Norton) |
(a sawfly) |
Neodiprion pratti banksianae Rohwer |
jack pine sawfly |
Neodiprion pratti paradoxicus Ross |
(a sawfly) |
Neodiprion pratti pratti (Dyar) |
Virginia pine sawfly |
Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) |
European pine sawfly |
Neodiprion swainei Middleton |
Swaine jack pinesawfly |
Neodiprion taedae linearis Ross |
loblolly pine sawfly |
Neodiprion tsugae Middleton |
hemlock sawfly |
Neolecanium cornuparvum (Thro) |
magnolia scale |
Neophasia menapia (Felder & Felder) |
pine butterfly |
Nepytia canosaria (Walker) |
false hemlock looper |
Nepytia phantasmaria (Strecker) |
phantom hemlock looper |
Nerice bidentata Walker |
(a notodontid moth) |
Neuroterus saltatorius (Hy. Edwards) |
(a jumping gall wasp) |
Neurotoma fasciata (Norton) |
(a web-spinning sawfly) |
Norape ovina (Sepp) |
(a flannel moth) |
Nuculaspis californica (Coleman) |
black pineleaf scale |
Nygmia phaeorrhoea (Donov) |
brown-tail moth |
Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus) |
mourningcloak butterfly |
Oberea ferruginea Casey |
willow-branch borer |
Oberea schaumi LeConte |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Oberea tripunctata (Swederus) |
dogwood twig borer |
Obrussa ochrefasciella (Chambers) |
hard maple budminer |
Odontopus calceatus (Say) |
(a snout beetle) |
Odontota dorsalis (Thunberg) |
locust leafminer |
Oecanthus fultoni T. J. Walker |
snowy tree cricket |
Oeme rigida (Say) |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Olesicampe benefactor Hinz |
(an ichneumonid parasite) |
Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) |
southern red mite |
Oligonychus ununguis (Jacobi) |
spruce spider mite |
Oligotrophus betheli Felt |
juniper tip midge |
Oncideres cingulata (Say) |
twig girdler |
Oncideres pustulata LeConte |
(huisache girdler) |
Operophtera bruceata (Hulst) |
Bruce spanworm |
Orgyia leucostigma (J. E. Smith) |
whitemarked tussock moth |
Orgyia pseudotsugata (McDunnough) |
Douglas-fir tussock moth |
Orgyia vetusta (Boisduval) |
western tussock moth |
Otiorhynchus ovatus (Linnaeus) |
strawberry root weevil |
Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) |
black vine weevil |
Pachylobius picivorus (Germar) |
pitch-eating weevil |
Pachypsylla celtidisgemma Riley |
budgall psyllid |
Pachypsylla celtidismamma (Riley) |
(hackberry nipplegall maker) |
Pachypsylla celtidisvesicula Riley |
(blistergall psyllid) |
Pachypsylla venusta (Osten Sacken) |
(petiolegall psyllid) |
Paleacrita vernata (Peck) |
spring cankerworm |
Pandemis cerasana (Hubner) |
(a leafroller moth) |
Pantographa limata Grote, & Robinson |
basswood leafroller |
Pantomorus cervinus (Boheman) |
Fuller rose beetle |
Paraclemensia acerifoliella (Fitch) |
maple leafcutter |
Paradiplosis tumifex Gagne |
(balsam gall midge) |
Paranthrene dollii dollii (Newman) |
(a clearwing moth) |
Paranthrene simulans (Grote) |
(clearwing borer) |
Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rottenberg) |
(a clearwing moth) |
Parorgyia plagiata Walker |
pine tussock moth |
Parthenolecanium corni (Bouche) |
European fruit lecanium |
Parthenolecanium fletcheri (Cockerell) |
Fletcher scale |
Pentamerismus erythreus (Ewing) |
(a false spider mite) |
Periphyllus lyropictus (Kessler) |
Norway maple aphid |
Periphyllus negundinis (Thomas) |
boxelder aphid |
Periploca atrata Hodges |
(a moth) |
Pero behrensaria (Packard) |
(a spanworm) |
Petrova albicapitana arizonensis (Heinrich) |
(piñion pitch nodule moth) |
Petrova sabiniana (Kearfott) |
(a pitch nodule moth) |
Phenacoccus acericola King |
(maple phenacoccus) |
Phigalia titea Cram. |
half wing geometer |
Phloeosinus canadensis Swaine |
(a bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus cristatus (LeConte) |
(cypress bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus cupressi Hopkins |
(a bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus dentatus (Say) |
(eastern juniper bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus hoferi Blackman |
(a bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus scopulorum Swaine |
(a bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus sequoiae Hopkins |
(redwood bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus serratus (LeConte) |
(a bark beetle) |
Phloeosinus taxodii Blackman |
(southern cypress beetle) |
Phloeotribus liminaris (Harris) |
peach bark beetle |
Phoracantha semipunctata (Fabricius) |
(a wood borer) |
Phtyganidia californica Packard |
California oakworm |
Phyllobius intrusus Kono |
arborvitae weevil |
Phyllobius oblongus (Linnaeus) |
(European snout beetle) |
Phyllocnistis magnoliella Fabricius |
(a leafminer) |
Phyllocnistis populiella Chambers |
(aspen leafminer) |
Phyllocolpa bozemani (Cooley) |
(poplar leaffolding sawfly) |
Phyllonorycter tremuloidiella Braun |
(aspen blotch miner) |
Phyllophaga forsteri Burmeister |
(a scarab beetle) |
Phylloxera caryaecaulis (Fitch) |
(hickory gall aphid) |
Phymatodes aeneus LeConte |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Phymatodes nitidus LeConte |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Phytobia pruinosa (Coquillett) |
(a leafminer fly) |
Phytobia pruni (Grossenbacher) |
(a leafminer fly) |
Phytobia setosa (Loew) |
(a cambium miner) |
Phytomyza ilicicola Loew |
native holly leafminer |
Pikonema alaskensis (Rohwer) |
yellowheaded spruce sawfly |
Pikonema dimmockii (Cresson) |
greenheaded spruce sawfly |
Pineus coloradensis (Gillette) |
(a woolly aphid) |
Pineus patchae Borner |
(a gall) |
Pineus pinifoliae (Fitch) |
pine leaf adelgid |
Pissodes approximatus Hopkins |
northern pine weevil |
Pissodes dubius Randall |
(a snout beetle) |
Pissodes radiatae Hopkins |
Monterey pine ips |
Pissodes strobi (Peck) |
white pine weevil |
Pissodes terminalis Hopping |
lodgepole terminal weevil |
Pityogenes carinulatus LeConte |
(a bark beetle) |
Pityogenes fossifrons (LeConte) |
(a bark beetle) |
Pityophthorus lautus (Eichhoff) |
(a bark beetle) |
Pityophthorus liquidambarus Blackman |
(a bark beetle) |
Pityophthorus nitidus Swaine |
(a bark beetle) |
Pityophthorus toralis (Wood) |
(a bark beetle) |
Placosternus crinicornis (Chevrolat) |
kiawe roundheaded borer |
Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting) |
imported willow leaf beetle |
Plagithmysus bilineatus Sharp |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Plagodis serinaria Herrich-Schaeffer |
(a spanworm) |
Platypus compositus (Say) |
(a pinhole borer) |
Platypus quadridentatus (Olivier) |
(a pinhole borer) |
Plectrodera scalator (Fabricius) |
cottonwood borer |
Pleuroptya salicalis (Guenee) |
(a pyralid moth) |
Podosesia syringae (Harris) |
ash borer, lilac borer |
Poecilonota cyanipes (Say) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Poecilonota montana Chamberlin |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Polycanon stouttii (LeConte) |
(a false powderpost beetle) |
Polydesma umbricola Boisduval |
monkeypod moth |
Polygraphus rufipennis (Kirby) |
(foureyed spruce beetle) |
Prionoxystus macmurtrei (Guerin) |
little carpenterworm |
Prionoxystus robiniae (Peck) |
carpenterworm |
Prionus imbricornis (Linnaeus) |
tilehorned prionus |
Prionus laticollis (Drury) |
broadnecked root borer |
Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig) |
larch sawfly |
Pristocauthophilus pacificus Thomas |
mushroom camel cricket |
Probole amicaria (Herrich-Schaeffer) |
(a geometrid moth) |
Prociphilus americanus (Walker) |
(an aphid) |
Prociphilus tesselatus (Fitch) |
(woolly alder aphid) |
Prodiplosis morrisi Gagne |
(a poplar gall midge) |
Profenusa lucifex (Ross) |
(a leaf miner) |
Profenusa thomsoni (Konow) |
(a birch leaf mining sawfly) |
Prosapia bicincta (Say) |
twolined spittlebug |
Protalebra tabebuiae Dozier |
(a leafhopper) |
Proteoteras willingana Kearfott |
(boxelder twig borer) |
Pseudococcus comstocki (Kuwana) |
comstock mealybug |
Pseudococcus maritimus Ehrhorn |
grape mealybug |
Pseudohylesinus dispar Blackman |
(a bark beetle) |
Pseudohylesinus granulatus (LeConte) |
(fir root bark beetle) |
Pseudohylesinus nobilis Swaine |
(noble fir bark beetle) |
Pseudohylesinus sericeus (Mannerheim) |
(silver fir beetle) |
Psylla uncatoides Ferris & Klyver |
acacia psyllid |
Ptilinus basalis LeConte |
(a powderpost beetle) |
Ptosima gibbicollis (Say) |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Pulvinaria acericola (Walsh & Riley) |
(cottony maple leaf scale) |
Pulvinaria innumerabilis (Rathvon) |
cottony maple scale |
Puto cupressi (Coleman) |
(fir mealybug) |
Puto pricei McKenzie |
(price mealybug) |
Pyrrhalta cavicollis (LeConte) |
cherry leaf beetle |
Pyrrhalta decora (Say) |
(a leaf beetle) |
Pyrrhalta decora decora (Say) |
gray willow leaf beetle |
Pyrrhalta luteola (Muller) |
elm leaf beetle |
Pyrrhalta punctipennis (Mannerheim) |
(a leaf beetle) |
Quadraspidiotus juglansregiae (Comstock) |
walnut scale |
Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock) |
San Jose scale |
Quernaspis quercus (Comstock) |
(oak scale) |
Resseliella clavula Beutenmuller |
(a gall midge) |
Rhabdophaga swainei Felt |
spruce bud midge |
Rheumaptera hastata (Linnaeus) |
spearmarked black moth |
Rhyacionia adana Heinrich |
(a pine shoot moth) |
Rhyacionia buoliana (Schiffermuller) |
European pine shoot moth |
Rhyacionia frustrana (Comstock) |
Nantucket pine tip moth |
Rhyaciona rigidana (Fernald) |
pitch pine tip moth |
Rhyaciona zozana Kearfott |
(ponderosa pine tip moth) |
Sabulodes aegrotata (Guenee) |
omnivorous looper |
Samia cynthia (Drury) |
cynthia moth |
Sannina uroceriformis Walker |
persimmon borer |
Popillia japonica Newman |
Japanese beetle |
Saperda calcarata Say |
poplar borer |
Saperda discoidea Fabricius |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Saperda inornata Say |
(poplar gall borer) |
Saperda moesta LeConte |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Saperda tridentata Olivier |
elm borer |
Saperda vestita Say |
linden borer |
Scaphoideus luteolus Van Duzee |
whitebanded elm leafhopper |
Schizura concinna (J. E. Smith) |
redhumped caterpillar |
Sciaphila duplex (Walsingham) |
(aspen leaftier) |
Sciaphilus asperatus (Bonsdorff) |
(a weevil) |
Scobicia bidentata (Horn) |
(a false powderpost beetle) |
Scolytus laricis Blackman |
(larch engraver) |
Scolytus mali (Bechstein) |
larger shothole borer |
Scolytus multistriatus (Marsham) |
smaller European elm bark beetle |
Scolytus muticus Say |
hackberry engraver |
Scolytus quadrispinosus Say |
hickory bark beetle |
Scolytus ventralis LeConte |
fir engraver |
Scotorythra paludicola (Butler) |
koa moth |
Seinarctica echo (J. E. Smith) |
(a webworm) |
Semanotus amethystinus (LeConte) |
(amethyst cedar borer) |
Semanotus juniperi (Fisher) |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Semanotus ligneus (Fabricius) |
cedartree borer |
Semiothisa sexmaculata incolorata (Dyar) |
(larch looper) |
Semudobia betulae (Winnertz) |
(a birch midge) |
Smodicum cucujiforme (Say) |
(flat powderpost beetle) |
Sparganothis acerivorana MacKay |
(a leafroller) |
Sparganothis dilutocostana (Walsingham) |
(a leafroller) |
Sparganothis reticulatana (Clemens) |
(a leafroller moth) |
Sphinx chersis (Hubner) |
great ash sphinx |
Sphinx kalmiae J. E. Smith |
(a sphinx moth) |
Sphinx sequoiae Boisduval |
(a sphinx moth) |
Stator limbatus (Horn) |
(a seed beetle) |
Stenodontes dasytomus (Say) |
(hardwood stump borer) |
Steremnius carinatus (Boheman) |
(a weevil) |
Stictocephala militaris Gibson & Wells |
(a treehopper) |
Stilpnotia salicis Linnaeus |
satin moth |
Styloxus bicolor (Champlain & Knull) |
(Juniper twig pruner) |
Symmerista albifrons (J. E. Smith) |
(an oakworm) |
Symmerista canicosta Franclemont |
(redhumped oakworm) |
(=albicosta Hbn.) |
Synanthedon acerni (Clemens) |
maple callus borer |
Synanthedon pictipes (Grote & Robinson) |
lesser peachtree borer |
Synanthedon scitula (Harris) |
dogwood borer |
Synanthedon sequoiae (Hy. Edwards) |
(sequoia pitch moth) |
Synaphaeta guexi (LeConte) |
(a roundheaded borer) |
Syntexis libocedrii Rohwer |
incense-cedar wasp |
Systena marginalis (Illiger) |
(a leaf beetle) |
Taniva abolineana (Kearfott) |
(spruce needle miner) |
Tegolophus spongiosus Styer |
(a mite) |
Tethida barda (Say) |
blackheaded ash sawfly |
Tetralopha asperatella (Clemens) |
(a webworm) |
Tetralopha robustella Zeller |
pine webworm |
Tetraneura ulmi (Linnaeus) |
(a gall aphid) |
Tetranychus canadensis (McGregor) |
fourspotted spider mite |
Tetranychus magnoliae Boud. |
spider mite |
Tetranychus urticae Koch |
twospotted spider mite |
Tetropium abietis Fall |
roundheaded fir borer |
Tetropium velutinum LeConte |
(western larch borer) |
Tetyra bipunctata (Herrich-Schaeffer) |
shieldbacked pine seedbug |
Thrips madronii Moulton |
(a narrowwinged thrips) |
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth) |
bagworm |
Thysanoes fimbricornis LeConte |
(a bark beetle) |
Tinocallis ulmifolii (Monell) |
elm leaf aphid |
Tomostethus multicinctus (Rohwer) |
brownheaded ash sawfly |
Toumeyella firiodendri (Gmelin) |
tuliptree scale |
Toumeyella parvicornis (Cockerell) |
pine tortoise scale |
Trachykele blondeli Marseul |
(western cedar borer) |
Trachykele opulenta Fall |
(a flatheaded borer) |
Trioza magnoliae (Ashmead) |
(a psyllid) |
Trisetacus floridanus Keifer |
(a mite) |
Trisetacus neoquadrisetus Smith |
(a mite) |
Trisetacus quadrisetus (Thomas) |
(juniper berry mite) |
Tropidosteptes pacificus (Van Duzee) |
(a plant bug) |
Trypodendron betulae Swaine |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier) |
striped ambrosia beetle |
Trypodendron retusum (LeConte) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Tuberculatus columbiae Richards |
(an aphid) |
Tylonotus bimaculatus Haldeman |
(ash and privet borer) |
Vaga blackburni (Tuely) |
Blackburn butterfly |
Valentinia glandulella (Riley) |
(acorn moth) |
Vasates aceris-crummena Riley |
(a bladdergall mite) |
Vasates quadripedes Shimer |
maple bladdergall mite |
Vespamima sequoiae (Hy. Edwards) |
(sequoia pitch moth) |
Walshomyia insignis Felt |
(a gall midge) |
Walshomyia sabinae (Patterson) |
(a gall midge) |
Xestobium spp. |
powderpost beetle |
Xiphydria abdominalis Say |
(a horntail) |
Xiphydria maculata Say |
(a horntail) |
Xyleborinus saxesensi (Ratzeburg) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Xyleborus simillimus Perkins |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Xylobiops basilaris (Say) |
(a false powderpost beetle) |
Xylococculus betulae (Pergande) |
(birch margarodid) |
Xylosandrus compactus (Eichhoff) |
black twig borer |
Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Xyloterinus politus (Say) |
(an ambrosia beetle) |
Xylotrechus aceris Fisher |
gallmaking maple borer |
Xylotrechus obliteratus LeConte |
(poplar-butt borer) |
Xystrocera globosa (Olivier) |
monkeypod roundheaded borer |
Zadiprion rohweri (Middleton) |
(a sawfly) |
Zeiraphera improbana (Walker) |
(larch bud moth) |
Zelleria haimbachi Busck |
pine needle sheathminer |
Zeugophora scutellaris Suffrian |
(a leaf beetle) |
Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus) |
leopard moth |
¹Names without parentheses are approved by the Entomological Society of America. |
We acknowledge with gratitude the assistance of the following Systematic Entomologists (from the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Biosystematics Beneficial Insects Institute) in verifying and correcting this list of insect names: Donald M. Anderson, Edward W. Baker, Douglas C. Ferguson, Raymond J. Gagne, E. Eric Grissell, Thomas J. Henry, Ronald W. Hodges, John M. Kingsolver, James P. Kramer, Paul M. Marsh, Arnold S. Menke, Douglass R. Miller, Steve Nakahara, David A. Nickle, Robert W. Poole, Louise M. Russell, Robert L. Smiley, David R. Smith, Theodore J. Spilman, Manya B. Stoetzel,-F. Christian Thompson, Richard E. White, Donald R. Whitehead. |